среда, 24 октября 2012 г.

Your app status is In Review

"Your app status in review"(54 minutes ago)
I'm going to bed after reading new e-mail from Apple company with that subject. I hope it will pass review and tomorrow about 4000 users will get an update.

If everything goes ok, we'll have an update for lugat sozluk. Now it's called cep lugat and has redesigned icon(thanks a lot to our designer)!
What's new:

  • iPad support - some users will be really excited with this!
  • better detailed view - it's much better than previous one
  • automatic paste from copy/paste buffer - i heard this feature was implemented in Lingvo and is one of the most favourite users feature, so why not use that?
  • some bug fixes that will prevent from crash, slow working, etc...

What will be in next release?
  • more words - now it has just only osman words. I have some arabian-osman words, they will be added soon. And I would like to add turkish words to dictionary, but I can't find turkish-turkish offline dictionary. If someone has it(not a paper :) ), please tell me.
  • the most searched words - it's awesome thing when you try to memorize words.
  • [maybe] ANDROID version! I have just wrote some sketches and app seems to be working on android simulator, but i don't have any device to test, so it's delayed until I buy an android device.

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